Rowhouse Project Edited by Lucie Fontaine 428 pages, softcover 5.875 x 8.25 inches, 14.9 x 21 cm Edition of 1,000 (ISBN 978-1-940881-26-3) Published by Hassla

Rowhouse Project
Edited by Lucie Fontaine
428 pages, softcover 5.875 x 8.25 inches, 14.9 x 21 cm
Edition of 1,000 (ISBN 978-1-940881-26-3)
Published by Hassla


SEPTEMBER 29, 2018

An evening for the Rowhouse Project book release. Please join us for a discussion with participating artists moderated by Resort. Rowhouse Project took place between Summer 2014–Spring 2016 in a Baltimore rowhouse and presented exhibitions by Justin Lieberman, Josh Tonsfeldt, Trevor Shimizu, Zak Kitnick, Cynthia Daignault, Ajay Kurian, Van Hanos, and Sam Anderson.

This new publication brings together all eight exhibitions into one book. The initial release was hosted Karma Bookstore on September 5th, followed by a talk at the New York Art Book Fair at MoMA PS1 on September 22nd, 2018

What makes a house?
Are four walls enough?
Is a roof enough?
Are the neighbors enough?
Can it exist without running water?
Or without heating?
What makes a home?
Is it someone living inside?
Is it the traces that were left?
Is it the furniture that allows you to store clothes in it?
Or a couch, that makes it comfortable?
Is it someone cooking in it that makes it smell alive?
Is it the intimacy?
Is it the music that fills the space?
What is a show?
Is it a white cube that makes it?
Is it an immaculate wall that makes it?
Is it a polished floor?
Is it a space that always stays the same?
Rowhouse project was everything and nothing of the above.

-Lucie Fontaine